Nicanor Perlas will facilitate Workshop Courage in Gamot Cogon, Zarraga, Iloilo on June 25 and 26 from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. The workshop is free. Pls. bring your own lunch, snacks and beverages. For more information about the venue, directions to the venue and to confirm attendance pls. text or call Jim Scharman of Mission Iloilo at 09279711460 or Cecille of Mission Manila at 09178997603. Check out the description of the workshop for your reference.
Mastering Ourselves and Rebuilding Societies
Facilitated by MISSION
(Movement of Imaginals for Sustainable Societies
Thru Initiatives, Organizing, and Networking)
CAUTION: This workshop can change your life forever.
Take it only if you are ready for a new You that will, together with others,
create a new World. Are you ready?
Despite the life and death challenges that humanity faces today, many do not want to have anything to do with positive social change. While they care about their future and the fate of humans and the planet, they feel they are too small, too insignificant to do anything about the massive problems that are overwhelming nations around the world.
Yet history offers a different picture. Throughout the centuries, all over the world, individuals, acting together, with courage, against impossible odds, have succeeded in shaping their societies and have altered the course of history. And scholars have now articulated how these seemingly ordinary individuals achieved their inspiring deeds.
Now we can do the same. Now we can begin the process of profound inner and outer change by embarking on an exciting and unique learning journey.
Welcome to MISSION’S Workshop Courage:
Mastering Ourselves and Rebuilding Societies.
Workshop Courage is a unique, proven, and potent integration of science, spirituality, social theory, psychology, and other disciplines – all in the service of profound inner and outer transformation. MISSION has successfully conducted this workshop in key areas of the country as well as in the United States of America and Europe.
Workshop Courage aims to awaken the creative “imaginal” in us, the Infinity within, our Real Self - our massive, unstoppable force for truth, enthusiasm, compassion, courage, good, transformation, and initiative. In addition, the workshop aims to introduce participants to MISSION’s framework of societal transformation that creative individuals (imaginals) can realize by coming and acting together.
Whether or not you ultimately join efforts with MISSION to create a better society, you will benefit from getting a glimpse of your Real Self, the Real You, that can connect to the Source of all that is, in order to shape worlds and to change destinies forever. You will learn to achieve success by harnessing the very forces at work in and in partnership with the center of the world creative process itself.
MISSION is a cultural, spiritual, scientific movement of individuals from civil society, government, and business. MISSION was founded in 2010 and aims to create a better country, a better world, on the basis of profound inner transformation. MISSION has active network nodes in Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, and Baguio as well emergent nodes and beginning work in other provinces. For more information, especially on the meaning of the word, “imaginal”, kindly visit www.imaginalmission.net.