Monday, May 26, 2008
Ken Wilber, contemporary American philosopher and integrative visionary.
Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. - Association for Research and Enlightenment
Official site of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. -Association for Research and Englightenment
Step Universe International
It is time to take a wholistic care of yourself.
Re-CLAIM and re-GAIN your sharpness, … your focus,
… your concentration, … your creativity, … your intuition,
… your comprehension, … your patience,… your self-control,
… your wholistic self,… in a FLASH!
Step Universe International (currently operated in Indonesia and in the Philippines) is a Center for Wholistic Fitness and Self Re-vitalization.
Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior open house on June 1,2008

Terminals ,South Harbor near Manila Hotel.
Please text or email Miko Alino at 09217622896 or to confirm your visit.
Or email me the names and I can forward it to him.
Greenpeace organized a number of activities for guests, which include
film screening, exhibits, and solar cafe as well as a tour of the ship.
Visit this link for for information
Lets work to save the climate.
Simple lang: switch off, unplug,light up efficiently and spread the word
Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior passes by the coal ship Sam John Spirit as it exits the Pagbilao coal-fired power plant pier in Quezon Province, 150 kilometers south of Manila. Activists from the Rainbow Warrior May 25,2008 painted the side of the bulk carrier with the words "Quit Coal." The environment group called off its peaceful protest at the coal plant today, assured that it has initiated strong political movement toward a moratorium on expansion of coal power in the Philippines through a resolution in the Senate. Coal-fired power plants are the single biggest source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and a major cause of climate change. Greenpeace is calling on the Philippine government to instead tap the massive potential of clean, safe, renewable energy.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Last Life in the Universe
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Drama |
When my daughter Carla told me she meet Asano at the Berlinale and asked him a few questions, I drooled with envy. Then she added she also saw Christopher Doyle at the Berlin Filmfest at the same time, it was like a double drool moment for me.
Asano Tadanobu's character Kenji is an obsessive -compulsive- neat- freak- suicidal Japanese in Bangkok who hooks up with a slob hot Thai babe played by Sinitta Boonyasak who lives in a house that is literally a pigsty. Its a pairing made in heaven or hell depending on whether you are the seemingly asexual neat freak or the sizzling and sexy slob.The relationship is platonic, we are made to believe.The movie captures an interlude in their lives and depicts how they deal with the realities of death,love, violence, malaise and emptiness. The ending is so oriental, nothing definite, but hints at the possibilities. This film was so beautifully brilliant and twisted I wept with delight.There are some violent scenes after the yakuza came to play and nudity but we can't be squeamish about that, can we?
Some lines to remember the movie by:
Kenji the japanese; Can I stay here a little bit longer?
Noi the hot babe: Why you no go home?
Kenji : It smells bad, there are two dead bodies there.
Noi: Ok stay as long as you want.
Noi: Do you masturbate a lot?
Noi: Do you masturbate a lot?
Catch it here: Crunchyroll and You Tube
or better yet buy the DVD and support the artistes.Click here to order the DVD : YESASIA
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Kissing: Kiss my Soul
The highlight of Luisa’s sophomore year in college was the news that Tina had a nipple detached after a passionate kissing tryst with Leo, her neighbor, who was the son of a congressman. Her gang all rushed to the bathroom at break time to check the band aid Tina stuck on it .Ouch!
Luisa always wondered why some of the girls in school wore hankies around their necks after a weekend, until she had her first hicky. Double ouch!
In between these angst ridden moments , they wrote haiku and letters to each other and gazed across the creek at the high school boys playing basketball during lunch break.
At break time, at the lanai, cafeteria , smoking lounge or locker room, Luisa would listen to Dinna, Mila and Chris discuss perfecting their kissing techniques. She asked, “Where do the noses go when you kiss and why do you close your eyes.” Luisa got the look and the reply , “Don’t worry about the nose and the eyes , watch out for the tongue and hands. “Whose?” , she followed up?
She watched her friends eyes roll up practically into their heads. Luisa had no contribution to that discussion, not even to Mila’s question, “What is your ideal man”. She didn’t have a laundry list. She told her best friend, “When I finally meet him I’ll know he is the one. If he is Mr. Right, he knows where I live.”
And then it finally happened. Luisa was hoping Ted would have chosen a place other than her family’s garage for her first kiss. They had just returned from a night of clubbing and dancing when he grabbed her by the waist, hugged her and whispered “Gosh you’re beautiful.” and Luisa believed him. Then he moved in for the kiss,sort of.
Their lips barely touched but Luisa could smell the sweetness of the peppermint gum mixed with cigarette smoke on his breath.
”No.” And then they kiss, as in Britney Spear’s song.
Is this for real?
It's not what it seems
You're like an angel
I'm running now
My feet off the ground
Take me
Touch me
Won't you hold me close?
And then we kiss
Your love comes alive on my lips
I feel a rush
Coming over me, over me
And when we touch
This moment when everything's still
I close my eyes
And then we kiss
Listen to it here and sing a long
Kissing is a collection of drabbles,haiku and short stories on the Kiss. Stories are all pure fiction from this writer's imagination and are intended to amuse and entertain.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Bliss - Kissing (Video).flv
Chill out music from the cool pop group Bliss with members from Demark,Sweden and Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. Its sooo relaxing and soothing. Its on the soundtrack of the movie Sex and the City.
slowly descending.
The sky is all I see,
it's never ending.
We could fly,
you and I.
On a cloud,
kissing, kissing.
The wind plays with the leaves,
the weather turns colder.
But as long as we believe,
love doesn't get older.
We could fly,
you and I.
On a cloud,
kissing, kissing.
On a journey of the heart,
there's so much to see.
And when the sky is dark,
you'll be right here,
right here with me.
Right here with me.
(Kissing, kissing)
(A journey of the heart)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Kissing: First Kiss
Kissing is a collection of drabbles and short stories on the Kiss. Stories are all pure fiction from this writer's imagination and are intended to amuse and entertain.
Genre: Drabble, fiction, fluff, fantasy, romance, crack, may contain lime
No infringement intended. Pure fiction.
First Kiss
When Mari was 15, Ramon who was 21 finally kissed her. She can still feel the scratch of his five o’clock shadow on her chin as he leaned over and kissed her virgin lips. It was a sweet and gentle first kiss. Then Ramon whispered, “Open your mouth, open your mouth.” And when she did, he thrust his tongue into her mouth. Sometimes, Mari would lie awake at night wondering where Ramon was and if they would ever meet again.
Chanson du jour
David Archuleta-Crush