PARTIDO KALIKASAN does not welcome the adoption of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan (2011-2016) in its current form.
We believe that with its continued focus on further natural resource utilization; like large scale commercial mining and its insufficient goals and strategies for food self-sufficiency and sustainable development of our marine and coastal resources, the current formulation of the MTPDP negates its very declared goal of inclusive development .
In the face of continuing ravages of climate change impacts, the mode of development that the country must take is that of conservation, protection and rehabilitation and not further utilization of our natural patrimony.
While we welcome targets for continued infastructure development, improved financing; with the current emergency mode brought about by the ill effects of climate change impacts, these must now be channeled to improving our resiliency to natural disasters, reducing risk and overall adoption to climate change.
The high annual development growth rate target of 7-8% will drive the need for cheap but very dirty energy sources like coal fired power plants that will negate the national policy to move to renewable energy sources.
Social equity strategies and goals that remain dependent on dole-out systems such as conditional cash transfers will only be effective in the short-term but will be unsustainable in the long term. The current MTPDP have more of this short-term social safety nets and remain weak on the more fundamental asset reform requirements.
What we need is stronger political support to the completion of agrarian reform and making agrarian reform communities economically viable; long-term solution to the plight of informal settlers; municipal water delineation; building the institutional capacity of agencies tasked at upholding IP rights to their ancestral domain and the further strengthening of community-based forest management.
For more Information:
Roy Cabonegro (Mr.)
Cellphone 0999 7541637
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