LAKBAYANI San Jose de Buenavista, Antique
Program and Activities- May 30- June 5, 2012
Lakbayani, The Journey of the Hero, a MISSION initiative
Lakbayani , founded in June 2011 & officially launched in October,2011, is a celebration of projects and initiatives of unsung Filipino heroes. The journey of the hero is a journey of discovery. Its aim is to bring the good news, of Filipino heroes working in the grassroots, building a better country through their work in business, politics and culture. Through the sharing of their stories, may others be inspired & empowered to start living a hero’s life, in their own fashion. Lakbayani has traveled to Barangay San Antonio, Pasig City, Baguio City, & Butuan City. It is scheduled to visit the Inocencio V.Ferrer Sr. Memorial School of Fisheries in Talisay, Negros Occ. Aug.29-31,2012; Bayawan, Negros Or., Baguio City & Malvar, Batangas within the year.
LAKBAYANI is a MISSION Manila initiative. Founded in 2010, MISSION which stands for Movement of Imaginals for Sustainable Societies through Initiatives, Organizing and Networking, is a cultural, spiritual, scientific movement of individuals in civil society, government, and business. On the basis of profound inner transformation, MISSION aims to create a better country, a better world.
The Lakbayani Team for San Jose de Buenavista, Antique:
Grace Calleja- Co-Founder MISSION, Node Head- Mission Baguio, Member, Lakbayani Baguio Chapter, Facilitator, Mission’s Workshop Courage
Cecilia Ferrer- Co- Founder Lakbayani & MISSION, Member, Mission Manila, Member, Lakbyani Manila Chapter, Facilitator, Mission’s Workshop Courage & Vision Café, The Green Shop entrepreneur
May Kalalang- Co-Founder Lakbayani, Member, Lakbayani Manila Chapter, Health & Wellness Specialist, Facilitator, Vision Cafe , 4Life entrepreneur
Ceci Pefianco- Member, Mission Iloilo, Member, Lakbayani Antique Chapter, Facilitator, Vision Café
Cynthia Ferrer Gubler- Member, Lakbayani Manila & Switzerland Chapter, M.A. in Foreign Service, Facilitator, The Role of Sports in Global Peace & Vision Café
Participants: High School Scholars of the Pefianco-Ferrer-Llereza Families, students & parents of the Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary Schools. Open to the public.
The Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary School was recently elevated from a public elementary school to a public science school as its students topped the national exams for the province of Antique for several consecutive years.
May 30-31, 2012 Thursday
Lakbayani team members arrive in San Jose, Antique and will proceed to the residence of Ceci Pefianco. Advance party will pay a visit to Mayor Rony L.Molina and hand him the flyers and program of Lakbayani. Team will visit the venue of photo exhibit, workshop , Vision Café & various presentations & dialogues at the Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary School. Team will set up photo exhibit & graffiti wall, choose area for planting of Lakbayani & Mission trees at venue.
June 1,2012 Friday
Venue: Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary School
10:00 A.M. Opening of the Photo Exhibit by:
Former Secretary of Education Erlinda Canlas Pefianco and Atty. Romeo Varua Pefianco, Grace Javier, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, San Jose de Buenavista Mayor Rony L.Molina and school principal Marne Palencia.
10:30 A.M. Planting of commemorative Trees of Lakbayani & Mission at the school garden.
11:00 A.M. Video loop of Lakbayani,Mission & Climate Change powerpoint presentations. Will require in focus or LCD projector & white wall. Notebook/laptop will be provided by Lakbyani team.
Graffiti wall messages from participants and visitors.
2:00-4:00 P.M. Vision Café- a dialogue with participants on their concept of the hero, their personal dreams & visions and their visions for the country. Dialogue will be expressed through conversations and/or through artwork, poetry or song. Manila paper and art materials will be provided, use of natural materials encouraged.
A Vision Cafe is a process where participants discover answers to questions that matter. Vision Café draws from the collective creativity and innovative thinking of the participants in understanding different worldviews and creating solutions to complex questions that beset our societies.
A Vision Café draws heavily from emergent dialogue, allows all participants to share their opinions using different media (speaking, writing, sketching, etc), and challenges the participants to create the future they all envision.
4:00-6:00 P.M. Public showing of the movie AMIGO with the permission of Tammy Dinopol of Origin8Media Productions who is Co-founder of MISSION & Node Head of Mission Manila. Will require in focus/LCD projector & white wall & speakers. Notebook/laptop will be provided by Lakbayani team.
Amigo is a 2010 American drama film written and directed by John Sayles. The film takes place in the Philippines in 1900 during the Philippine–American War. It is one of only a small handful of films directed by an American to address the war. It stars Joel Torre as Rafael Dacanay, kapitan of the barrio of San Isidro in a rice-growing area of Luzon.
June 2,2012 Saturday
Venue: Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary School
9:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. First day of Mission’s Workshop Courage for the High School Scholars of the Pefianco – Ferrer-Llereza families & teachers if any. Also open to the public if there will be other participants. Distribution of notebooks & ballpens to the high school scholars participants by sponsor Cynthia Ferrer Gubler.
Workshop Courage is a unique, proven, and potent integration of science, spirituality, social theory, psychology, and other disciplines – all in the service of profound inner and outer transformation. MISSION has successfully conducted this workshop in key areas of the country as well as in the United States of America and Europe.
Workshop Courage aims to awaken the creative “imaginal” in us, the Infinity within, our Real Self - our massive, unstoppable force for truth, enthusiasm, compassion, courage, good, transformation, and initiative. In addition, the workshop aims to introduce participants to MISSION’s framework of societal transformation that creative individuals (imaginals) can realize by coming and acting together.
9:30 A.M. Video loop of Lakbayani , Mission & Climate Change
Graffiti wall messages from guests & participants
10:00 A.M. Health & Wellness Presentation of May Kalalang & dialogue with participants
11:00 A.M. The Role of Sports in Global Peace Presentation of Cynthia Ferrer Gubler, dialogue & games with participants
2:00-4:00 P.M. Vision Café
4:30-6:30 P.M. Public showing of the movie AMIGO
June 3,2012 Sunday
Venue: Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary School
9:00 A.M.- 5:00 P.M. Second day of Mission’s Workshop Courage for the High School Scholars of the Pefianco – Ferrer-Llereza families & teachers if any. Also open to the public if there will be other participants
9:30 A.M. Video loop of Lakbayani , Mission & Climate Change
Graffiti wall messages from guests & participants
10:00 A.M. Health & Wellness Presentation of May Kalalang & dialogue with participants
11:00 A.M. The Role of Sports in Global Peace Presentation of Cynthia Ferrer- Gubler, dialogue & games with participants
2:00-4:00 P.M. Vision Café
4:30-6:30 P.M. Public showing of the movie AMIGO
June 4,2012, Monday
Venue: Venue: Canuto Pefianco Science Elementary School
9:30 A.M. Video loop of Lakbayani ,Mission & Climate Change
Graffiti wall messages from guests & participants
10:00 A.M. Health & Wellness Presentation of May Kalalang & dialogue with participants
11:00 A.M. The Role of Sports in Global Peace Presentation of Cynthia Ferrer- Gubler, dialogue & games with participants
2:00-4:00 P.M. Vision Café
4:30-6:30 P.M. Public showing of the movie AMIGO
7:00 P.M. Exhibit will be taken down & pack up
June 5,2012 Tuesday
Lakbayani Team leaves before lunch for Iloilo. Lunch at Iloilo, sight seeing then proceed to airport for flights back to Manila.

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